Week 7: Teaching practice phase 1:end✨

Just like that teaching practise has come to an end. 7 weeks just flew by with works and more importantly experiences. Since, I had a ligament tear in my knee, I went to the school only on Friday (18th Feb). Friday was the last day of our teaching practice. Since, 9th standard students were following a special timetable I thought I wouldn't get a chance to say goodbye to my students. But luck was on my side and I got almost 2 hours at the class. Only the first batch had come in but we did a few problems, discussed the diagnostic and achiement test questions and gave them remedial teaching. In the evening at 8 I had online class and I got to say goodbye to the rest of the students. Also, today Benedict sir had come to visit us at school, but few of us had substitution class and we couldn't take a picture with sir. Before leaving, Fr Babu, the principal, and headmaster Bijo sir gave us wished us all the best and we presented them with gifts to show our gratitude. We all left af...