" I want to go on living even after my death"


   The diary of a young girl

"I want to go on living even after my death!" on 5 April 1944,Anne Frank wrote this ambitious sentence in her diary... 😔

Today, Reading and reflection was taken by neema😍. She selected the book "Anne Frank :The diary of a young girl". Neema presented very well👏.. 

I remember reading Anne Frank at school in 10th grade. This book just impacted me so much more than the average book. The Diary of Anne Frank" stand out was Anne's personality. It took a while for my thoughts to settle in and believe this actually happened. Also that Anne was one out of millions that this happened to. I don't think I can relate to Anne personality wise because I don't think I would be happy in the condition she was living in. Anne Frank changed how I view things in life and what people take granted of. This was a extremely sad and inspiring story, I hope others who have not read it take the time to read it... 👍


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