Week1:Experience is the teacher of all things❤️😍

GGHSS Kanyakulagara 

 5th jan 2022

With too many anxiety I have reached the school today.When we reached to school, headmaster  gave us the allotted timetable😇 suddenly I was shocked 🥺 because it was my turn🤯 for the first two hours 🥵

Ok,let me cool 😎 I made myself comfortable and went to my first class IX:E2

The students where surprised to see me 🤩well me too😜…  when I entered the class room, the students stood up and treated me like goood morning teacher🥳🤩

When I heard the that I was so excited and it was my first ever experience 🤩

Afterwards I introduced my self and students were too excited to know more about me….🥶 they asked me many questions regarding my family, profession and personal questions too… I was quite impressed 😅 I answered all and after that I told my students to introduce themselves… it was quite a funny session 😀and gave them some funny activities 

After that I started to take my class on polynomials. After that the first hour 🛎 ended🙃

After the first hour ,I ran to IX:D2.

The students welcomed me and it was same experience.

I introduced myself and students introduced themselves.it was quite same experience 😍

I gave them some funny activities and when I started to take class on polynomials ,the bell rang suddenly 🥺😢

NB: At that time I realised , the second hour duration is less than the first hour🙁

I planned to manage the time👍 on the next class onwards😊

3rd hour: After my sessions, I wrote the pending records .

2:00pm : Afternoon the HM told me to leave the school

3:30pm : I reached home 🏡. Everyone texted me about my experience and out of 14 students of my classmates I’m the first and luckiest one to have class on first day🤩

Everyone were so excited about to ask my experience and I have shared it to my friends and family ❤️

I prepared the timetable myself and divide the portions to manage the time 

6th January  2022

8:45 am: I have reached the school 🏫 

9:50 am: I have entered to my new class IX:A1 

The school instruction was to enter the class before 10 minutes. It was new class to me. On my first day of experience i was aware to manage the time😎

I introduced myself and afterwards students introduced themselves 😊

As per my plan I was ready to take my class and finished the first lesson plan successfully 🥳🥳

7th January 2022

Today, there’s no class for me so that I observed Aswathy’s class. It was a nice session. She handled very well👍

Afterwards there was a programme named hello English😊 it was a quite good session mainly to focus on upper primary students. There objective was to improve their spoken English skills.


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