Camp Day 2: Euphoria💕

 The day started with Ancy ma’am instructions about the camp. After that a funny news reading from group1.

Today our chief guest was Reni Antony. He gave a very interesting topic CHILD RIGHTS 

The main points of child rights are


  • 1773 East India Company 
  • 1787 Ragged school for orphans and Baggers company 
  • 1876 Reformatory Schools act
  • 1881 Factories act
  • 1960 child act
  • 1974 National policy act
  • 1986 Juvenile justice act
  • 1989 UNCRC
  • Child’s right commission 2007

What is the legal definition of child in India?

  • Art.21 A: free and compulsory education 6-14
  •  Art. 326: -18 yrs registered as a voter
  • Sec 82 IPC: "Nothing is an offence child under seven years of age."
  •  Child Marriage Act, 2006: Male-21 yrs, Female-18years
  • The Factories Act 1948:14 years
  • The Mines Act, 1952-18 years
  • The Apprentices Act, 1961: 14 years
  • The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016: 14 years (Child)
  • The ladian Contract Act, 1872- 18 years
  • The Indian Majority Act. 1875: 18 years

Child Means

  • The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015:18 years 
  • POCSO, 2012: 18 years
  • UNCRC:18years

Need of the act

  • Increase number of CIPC does not differentiate b/w adult and child victims
  • IPC does not take into accountrape committed on a male child
  • Special Court
He shared case regarding child rights. I shocked🥺.. 
The case was👇🏻

POCSO complaint false, mother accused of abusing 13-year-old son acquitted


  • Aegravated penctrative sexualassault(sec 5,6)exual assault(sec 7,8)
  • Aggravated sexual assault (sec 9,10)
  •  Sexual harassment(sec11,12)
  • Using child for pornogmphy(sec13,14)

Mandatory reporting of case

  • A person who has reasonable apprehension that an offence under this Act is committed or is likely to be committed then he shall report the matter before
  • Special Juvenile Police Unit or
  • Local police

Purpose of the act

  • This Act has came in to force from 140 November 2012.
  • Object of this Act is to protect Children from offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment, pornography and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
  •  Monitoring authority of this Act is Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
We ,the group 2 gave snacks and cool drinks to all students and teachers. It was very nice class to me..😍

Afternoon session was taken by Vinod Vikramadityan,
Sub inspector of police , pothencodu Police station. He talk about the topic drug abuse.

 The main points are, 


Chemicals/ Natural substances which enters in our body and changes our regular body functions and stimulate our
thoughts and emotions.
‘Depressants slow down the messages sent to and from your brain’
  1. Alcohol
  2. Opiates (Heroin and Morphine)
  3. Cannabis
  4. Sedatives (valium)
  5. Glues, Petrol & solvents


Family Issues
Pressure at Work
Crowing Competion i Stmaclfaml Gelegy
Relationship Problems
Financial Issues
Feeling of Emptiness
Sexual Satisfaction


Date Rape Drug, Forget Me Drug
  • sedation
  • muscle relaxation
  • reduction in anxiety
  • prevention of convulsions.
Helps to forget everything happened in past.


A natural substance taken from the seed
pod of the various opium poppy plants


(Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)
LSD is one of the most potent, mood.changing chemicals. It is manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and other grains
- Odorless
-slightl bitter 


Latex received from Opium Poppy Which is processed chemically to produce horuin and other.sinthetic onlok for medicinal use


Flakka is just a newer-generation version of hall
used in US & China

Ways to cure drug abuse
  1.  Nip in the Bud
  2. Conscience and awareness
  3. Expert Guidance
  4. Eat Right and Exercise
  5. Strict law enforcement
  6. School and College youth clubs
  7.  Rehabilitation
  8. Reduce unemploym
It was really nice session ended at 3.30 pm💕


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