Teaching practice phase 2: DAY 3

 We had class till noon. Many teachers were on leave due to viral fever, so few of us had substitution periods. I had classes at 9A, 10A, 8D and 10C.
This time I had prepared a few puzzles for 9A boys using PPt. It did the trick to an extent. In 10A I had to continue with Cyclic Quadrilaterals. Ppt was prepared, as the diagrams were a little difficult to draw on the blackboard. The slight technical issues did take up some time but we managed to do few problems.
One of the things which I liked about St Goretti's school is that not only every class is equipped with its own laptop and projector, but every student is trained on how to the connect them.

Overall the second phase of intense teaching practice started with a bang and I hope it'll be smooth in the coming weeks.


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