Teaching practice phase 2 : DAY2


Today I came school early⏰..Because, I had first period all day.

I prepared myself for going to the classroom 9B. I entered the class with a pleasant smile😊..I gave some activities to students and started my portions..I completed my second lesson plan✨..

The second period was class 8 B..All classroom in this school was ict oriented..so I used ICT in my class..and my concerned teacher also evaluated my class..😊🥲

After the class, I reached our resting area😦. In the leisure time, I worked on my lesson plans. 

Then at 12:30pm, we went for the lunch duty. Emily, Sruthy, Jis and me were on the duty 🍱 . The meal today contained rice, sambar and other dishes . Students loved food and came for more. 🥰

After the lunch the school conducted the program related to mar ivanious day..The program was really good✨


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