Teaching practice phase2: DAY 14

 4th August 2022


4th August 2022

We had an unexpected holiday for 2 days due to heavy rains. These holidays will further delay the portion completion. We were asked to complete all our Lesson Plans by 15th August, which seems to be farfetched with these unanticipated breaks. As usual, I had classes at 9B and 8B. 6th August 2022 We made plans to conduct extra classes for students of 8B,8C,8D,9B,9C and 9D on Saturday to complete the portions. Also, I utilized my free period to observe  Roshna class at 9C. I've previously observed Roshna class and she always makes it a point to start her class with a valuable lesson. The class was slow-paced and well explained. Dr.Joju sir observed my class too. He gave good comments to my class..💫


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