Teaching practice phase2: Day 21

 16th August 2022


It has been a while since we have come to school on a Tuesday. HM has allowed us a few more days to complete our pending work. This news came as a relief as I had a few more problems to finish at 9B. Also, we have our conscientization program pending to be done. As usual, I had classes at 9B . Today I conducted an achievement test😊

    Since most of the teachers had gone to a funeral, we were given substitution periods in various classes. I had substitution at 7B. Students were asked to introduce themselves and tell their ambitions. Most of them wanted to be police officers and wanted to join the military. One that caught my attention was a student's wish to become an Archaeologist which is a word you rarely hear from a 10-year-old. Little Vignesh had to explain who an archaeologist was and I must say he did not randomly pick up that word but had done enough homework to know what the job entails. I had asked students to draw a pattern or anything using geometric shapes and students were overflowing with ideas. I'm glad that I got that period at 5D.

I got to teach at 9A for two periods. I introduced the chapter 'New Numbers' and did a few problems. Gopika and Sreevineetha accompanied me to help me manage the class. Also, I finally got time to do my project work at 9E today.  Students were very cooperative and interactive which made the work more fun.


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